Signs of a Social Leader

28 September 2024


Has social influence and is able to mobilize society by building good relationships

Have you ever heard the term social leader or social leader? In the business world, social leaders are individuals who have social influence and are able to mobilize society by building good relationships, both offline and online.  This social influence is an important factor for a leader, although it is rarely found. Ted Coine and Mark Babbitt, in their book A World Gone Social, call leaders with a strong social presence “blue unicorns” because of their rarity.  What are the characteristics of a social leader and how do you realize these qualities? Ipresens


7 Characteristics of Influential Social Leaders


1. Broad Curiosity


A true social leader has high curiosity, not only about what happens inside the company, but also about external factors that influence business development. They always want to understand how their company is viewed by the public, as well as the evolving needs in the market. By leveraging social monitoring and interaction with social media followers, they are always up-to-date with the latest trends and can respond quickly.


2. Do it Yourself


Social leaders prefer to take the initiative themselves to seek out the information they need, rather than relying on reports that have been filtered by subordinates. They directly monitor social media for authentic feedback from customers, view comments, and look directly at market responses, rather than relying on often filtered reports of employee morale or customer satisfaction.


3. Give Selflessly


Social leaders are known for their compassion, not only about business, but also about social issues. They do not hesitate to share knowledge, guide those who want to learn, and build relationships with others without expecting anything in return. This caring strengthens their relationships and credibility as generous leaders.


4. Act Quickly or Responsively


When an untoward situation arises, they do not hesitate to step in and solve the problem. Modern leadership focuses on influence, not solely authority, and social leaders are always online and ready to respond quickly.


5. Company Brand Ambassador


A leader's personal branding determines the company's image in the eyes of the public. A study conducted by Weber Shandwick proves that 2/3 of customers' perceptions of a company are influenced by their perceptions of the CEO or leader. Good social leaders will realize that whenever they activate social media, the life and death of the company depends on their status updates.


6. Strengthen Connections


Social leaders really understand the function of social media as a tool for connecting with other people. For them, building relationships with the community is the main thing. Therefore, social leaders can promote their business while interacting with others. They can also answer all the concerns of interested parties rather than just presenting what is pleasant to hear.


7.  Lead With an Open Mindset


OPEN is an abbreviation for (Ordinary People, Extraordinary Network). A social leader is aware that the help of other people (experts in their field) is very beneficial for the development of their business. When faced with a crisis or opportunity, they will bring together people from their networks—both near and far—to find the best solution. Their level of engagement with others determines how open and collaborative they are as leaders.



In the future, expertise in social media will no longer be an option, but rather a necessity for every leader who wants to remain relevant and effective in facing increasingly complex business challenges. The characteristic of a social leader is not only leading with authority, but with influence that is able to move many people. Applying old ways to a different context will not advance your business. Therefore, learn and improve your social leadership skills to improve relations with the community and company image. However, to truly develop a business in the digital era, technology support is key. Ipresens enables social leaders to easily manage various aspects of the business more efficiently and scalably. Ipresens provides the flexibility to tailor solutions to specific business needs, so leaders can focus on what matters most: building relationships, increasing social impact, and driving business growth. What are you waiting for? Contact Ipresens and try Ipresens now.

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